A Brighter Future for Everyone
Keeping Children Safe
Keeping children safe is paramount and is at the heart of everything we do at Claremont. Whilst every member of staff can help you, we have a special team of adults who are trained to help keeping our children safe from harm. We want to support children and their families to ensure the children can reach their full potential.
Above is a poster that you can see all around school to remind us of our DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead) team.
We also have a Pastoral Team:-
Maryam Khan (Parent Support Worker) to help our families with any worries about school or about things outside of school.
Kate Guy – Drawing and Talking https://drawingandtalking.com/
Louise Evans – ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant.) https://www.elsa-support.co.uk/
Our DSL team meets once a week to discuss any concerns we might have and decide on actions to help improve things. We do this by:-
1. Listening to our children to pick up any worries they may have and speaking to families quickly to offer help as soon as possible before a situation reaches a crisis.
2. Listening to parents’ worries and concerns and offering food, uniform, clothes, food bank vouchers.
3. When we can’t help, we speak to experts to support families to get help with worries about money, their housing situation or children struggling with their behaviour at home. We can also refer to the community nursing team and Stronger Families and we have great relationships with their link workers.
4. Parents often come and chat to us about their own mental wellbeing and that of their children. We offer support in school from trained staff. We have one ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) and one ‘Drawing and Talking’ trained staff member (person centred therapy). We can also support emotional wellbeing through our CAMHS EMHP (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service Education Mental Health Practitioner), Natalie Hearn.
5. We ask teachers for ‘Safety and Welfare’ checks to make sure some of our more quiet children aren’t missed out in terms of wellbeing.
6. We support monitoring attendance by inviting parents into school to chat through low attendance scores and to support with any barriers there might be to attending school.
7. We make sure everyone in school is trained in Safeguarding and Wellbeing and is kept up to date with new local and national updates on Safeguarding issues.
Help and Advice for parents
Online Safety
NSPCC - Pants - child friendly video and activities about keeping your child safe from sexual harm.
Child's Mental Health