
Claremont Primary and Nursery School

A Brighter Future for Everyone


Claremont Primary and Nursery School is a City of Nottingham Local Authority maintained school.


Admissions for Reception to Year 6 are organised and managed by the Nottingham City Schools' Admission Team. Please visit the below site for more information;


Should you want your child to attend Claremont’s Nursery, please visit the School Office for an admission date.


You will be required to fill in the below forms before a start date is given. Please use the links below: 


Admission form -

FSM From -


A copy of our Nursery Admissions policy can be found below.

Claremont Primary School Admissions Policy

Nursery Admissions

If you are looking for a Nursery place please fill in an application form located under - Key Information - Join our Nursery - How to Join us. 
