A Brighter Future for Everyone
Curriculum Intent
At Claremont, we believe that Music is a unique way in which our children can communicate which can inspire and motivate themselves and others. It allows personal expression and plays an important role in personal development and the development of a love for music and its different styles and genres.
Our Music curriculum will help children to understand the world in which they live in as music so often reflects the society and culture we live in. Children are able to feel part of a wider group when playing and performing ensemble pieces. We aim to allow all children the opportunity to create, play, perform and appraise music to develop an appreciation of a wide variety of musical styles.
Children have an opportunity to perform while at Claremont. Children in F1 and F2 do a short nativity performance. Children in KS1 hold a Christmas concert. Our choir perform to parents and the public as part of 'Christmas in the City'. Year 4 children perform in 'The Great Orchestra Experiment'. Area Band perform at the Nottingham Albert Hall in the Spring Term. Year 6 children rehearse and perform a musical to celebrate their time at Claremont.
At Claremont, children participate in a variety of musical experiences. We recognise that it is important for music to be enjoyable for children and we build up their confidence as well as their skills and knowledge throughout their time at Claremont. As part of the curriculum, all children learn to sing, play the recorder and learn to play the xylophone and glockenspiel. Furthermore, as part of the government scheme, ‘Whole Class Ensemble,’ every child in year 4 learns to play a wind instrument. This is continued into year 5 with every child receiving ukulele tuition. Lessons are provided weekly by teachers from the the Nottingham Music Service and Create Music .
Children have the opportunity in Year 4 to learn the clarinet as part of instrumental lessons with Nottingham Music Hub as well as play in the local Area Band in Year 5 and Year 6. This allows children to develop the disciplined skills of recognising rhythm and pitch at a more complex level. Children in UKS2 are offered the opportunity to receive additional teaching in playing the clarinet. These lessons take place in school time and pupils are withdrawn from lessons to do so. We have had a number of children successfully pass their Grade 1 practical exam in clarinet before they leave Claremont. We also offer children in KS1 and KS2 the chance to have weekly guitar lessons with a dedicated peripatetic teacher.
Additional Music Education
From years 1 – 6, children are offered the opportunity to learn how to play and perform a range of musical instruments with peripatetic music teachers. Lesson take place within the school and are taught within small groups. Costs of lessons and instrument hire are paid for by our parents. Subsides for pupil premium children are also available.
At Claremont, the number of children choosing to learn an instrument is growing. These pupils are given the opportunity to perform regularly within our school and within the wider community through our connections with the Nottingham Music Service and Create Music.
At Claremont, we strive to support those pupils who have furthered their music education enough to be entered into their practical music exam (ABRSM or Trinity). In providing extra rehearsal spaces and lunchtime sessions, all of our year 6 children taking their Practical Music Grade 1 exam this year passed successfully.
Extra-Curricular Music
At Claremont we aim to engage and inspire our pupils through a range of musical enrichment activities. Pupils who enjoy singing can join ‘Singing Squad,’ which is an informal choir and is available for children from years 3 – 6. Its members have the opportunities to perform at Capital One, St Mary’s Church, Nottingham’s Albert Hall and within school assemblies.
Area Band takes place every week and is growing in popularity amongst our Year 5 and 6 pupils. This year (2024 – 2025) we anticipate approximately 20 Claremont pupils enrolling for this after school ensemble.
Every year, Claremont takes around 10 year 5 children to ‘Band Camp.’ This is a residential is set in the idyllic surrounding of Ilham Hall, Dovedale. Here, pupils learn to play an instrument and read music in preparation for joining the Area Band. Pupils partaking in this ensemble are invited to perform at the Nottingham Albert Hall for the ‘Christmas in City and the ‘Make Some Noise Summer Orchestra.
At Claremont School, we also signpost pupils with an interest in music towards the many out of school opportunities available within the local community. Pupils attending Nottingham City State schools and pupil premium children are eligible to receive music provision at discounted rates.
Keys Connect
Keys Connect | Nottingham Music Hub
Kit Connect
Kit Connect | Nottingham Music Hub
Band Connect
Band Connect | Nottingham Music Hub
Guitar Connect
Guitar Connect | Nottingham Music Hub
Robin Hood Young Voices
Curriculum Planning